RSO Oil 101: What Is Rick Simpson Oil And Why’s Everyone Using It?

Are you wondering why there’s so much buzz around Rick Simpson Oil? This cannabis-derived oil, also known as RSO, has proven to be a game-changer in managing severe health conditions.

In this informative blog post, we’ll unravel the mystery of RSO: its benefits, risks, and how to use it correctly for maximum results. 

Let’s dive into the world of Rick Simpson Oil together!

Unraveling Rick Simpson Oil: What is it?

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a concentrated cannabis extract that gained popularity due to its potential medicinal benefits.

The Inspiring Story of Rick Simpson

Rick Simpson, a Canadian engineer, stumbled upon the medicinal properties of cannabis quite unexpectedly. In 1997, he sustained severe head injuries in a work accident which resulted in dizzy spells and ringing in his ears.

Regular medicines were ineffective against these symptoms and pushed Rick into a state of perpetual discomfort. The turning point arrived when an episode of ‘The Nature of Things’ brought to light the potential benefits of medical marijuana use for post-concussion syndrome.

With little to lose, Rick decided to try cannabis and experienced significant relief from his debilitating symptoms. However, obtaining quality cannabis proved challenging which led him on the path towards cultivating his own plants and developing what we today know as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).

Understanding the Benefits of Rick Simpson Oil

Rick Simpson Oil offers a multitude of benefits, including its use in cancer treatment, relief from back pain, and treatment for various skin ailments. Find out more about the potential benefits of RSO and how it can improve your health.

Use in Cancer Treatment

Rick Simpson Oil works as a formidable agent against various cancer symptoms. Cancer patients often resort to RSO for pain relief, nausea control, and appetite stimulation. Reports spotlight the efficacy of RSO in reducing leukemic blast cell count in terminal cancer patients without inducing toxic side effects.

Notably, some users have narrated remarkable stories of tumor suppression after topical application or oral ingestion of this high-THC cannabis extract. Therefore, it’s not surprising that an increasing number of oncologists are showing interest in incorporating Rick Simpson Oil into comprehensive cancer treatment plans.

Use for Back Pain

Chronic back pain sufferers often find relief in the use of Rick Simpson Oil. The high THC content in RSO can interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, helping to reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.

Users typically apply the oil topically or ingest it orally for best results. Research indicates its effectiveness against various painful conditions such as multiple sclerosis and asthma.

Notable among its advantages is the absence of lasting side effects, which makes RSO a potentially safer alternative for managing chronic back strains. For those interested in this treatment option, it’s advisable to purchase lab-tested RSO from licensed dispensaries to guarantee quality and safety standards.

Use for Skin Ailments

Rick Simpson Oil contains high THC content that helps manage various skin conditions. Many individuals have utilized it as a topical application for ailments like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

The cannabis extract also shows promise in treating skin cancers and growths as per anecdotal evidence. Users typically apply the oil directly to the affected area on the skin and cover it with a bandage for effective results.

Developing an optimal dosage regimen often involves starting low and gradually increasing over time to suit individual needs. Despite its growing popularity in skincare practices, clinical research specific to RSO’s effectiveness against skin ailments remains limited but ongoing.

Use for Internal Conditions

RSO is widely used for the treatment of various internal conditions. Many people have found relief from ailments such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, and chronic pain by using RSO.

The high THC content in RSO helps to alleviate symptoms while providing a sense of relaxation and calmness. It can be consumed orally or applied sublingually for quick absorption into the bloodstream.

By following the recommended dosage guidelines and gradually increasing it over time, individuals can experience the benefits of RSO for internal conditions without the potential risks associated with homemade preparations.

The Potential Risks: Is RSO Dangerous?

Homemade RSO can pose potential risks during its preparation. It’s crucial to note that the process involves using a flammable solvent, such as isopropyl alcohol or ethanol. Therefore, it should be conducted in a well-ventilated area away from any open flames or sparks.

Mishandling of the solvent can lead to accidents and injuries.

While RSO itself does not cause overdose, death, or lasting side effects, it’s important to use caution when dosing. Taking too high of a dose can result in temporary intoxication and discomfort.

To ensure safety and quality, it is recommended to opt for lab-tested RSO products available from reputable sources.

Overall, when handled properly and used responsibly according to recommended guidelines, RSO usage carries minimal risks. However, it is essential to exercise caution during the preparation process and adhere to proper dosing instructions for optimal results without any adverse effects.

Where to Buy Rick Simpson Oil and Cost Considerations

You can purchase Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) at licensed dispensaries in states that have legalized adult-use cannabis or medical marijuana. These dispensaries offer high-quality cannabis products, including RSO, that have been lab-tested for potency and purity.

Keep in mind that availability may vary depending on your location and the state’s regulations. When purchasing RSO, it’s crucial to ensure that you are buying from a reputable source to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the product.

When it comes to cost considerations, RSO can be expensive. The price ranges from $35 to $70 per gram. This higher cost is mainly due to the extensive extraction process required to produce RSO and its high THC content.

However, keep in mind that the recommended dosage of RSO starts with half a grain of rice every eight hours and gradually increases over time, meaning one gram of oil can last for several days or even weeks depending on usage.

In summary, if you are interested in purchasing Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), make sure to visit licensed dispensaries in states where adult-use cannabis or medical marijuana is legal. Be prepared for the higher costs associated with RSO due to its extraction process and high THC content.

Remember that proper dosing recommendations should be followed when using RSO for optimal results without overspending on unnecessary quantities of oil.

Guideline on How to Use RSO

Follow a RSO dosage chart and establish an individualized RSO regimen for optimal results.

RSO Dosage Chart

The RSO dosage chart provides a guideline for safely using Rick Simpson Oil, starting with a very small amount and gradually increasing it over several weeks. Refer to the chart below to understand how to properly dose RSO:

Dosage Schedule

  • Week 1:
    • Dosage: 1/2 grain of rice every 8 hours
  • Weeks 2-5:
    • Dosage: Double the dosage every four days
  • Weeks 5-12:
    • Dosage: 1 gram per day

The goal is to eventually consume one gram of RSO daily. However, users should always listen to their bodies and adjust the dosage accordingly. It’s crucial to remember that everyone’s body responds differently. The chart above is a guideline, but personal experience and comfort should guide the actual dosage taken.

RSO Regimen

The RSO regimen involves gradually increasing the dosage over time to achieve optimal benefits. Here are the recommended steps for using RSO:

  1. Begin with half a grain of rice every eight hours.
  2. Increase the dosage by half a grain of rice every four days.
  3. Continue this pattern until reaching a gram per day.
  4. Spread out the doses evenly throughout the day.
  5. Monitor your body’s response and adjust the dosage as needed.

The Possible Side Effects of RSO

RSO may have some side effects, including:

  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Increased heart rate
  • Changes in appetite
  • Memory impairment

Can RSO be Smoked, Dabbed or Used in Cooking?

RSO can indeed be smoked or dabbed, providing users with alternative methods of consumption. However, it is important to note that for safety reasons, it is highly recommended to use lab-tested RSO products.

This ensures the quality and purity of the oil, reducing any potential risks. When using RSO in cooking, it’s best not to exceed temperatures above 300ºF as higher heat can diminish its effectiveness.

By incorporating RSO into recipes like baked goods or adding it to sauces and dressings, individuals have found creative ways to incorporate this potent cannabis extract into their daily routine.

When smoked or dabbed, RSO delivers its effects more quickly due to the direct inhalation of cannabinoids. The high levels of THC present in RSO can cause an altered state in users, so it’s crucial to start with low doses and gradually increase if needed.

Whether smoked, dabbed or used in cooking, RSO provides individuals with flexibility when it comes to consuming this medicinal therapy. However you choose to consume RSO should align with your personal preferences and desired outcomes.

RSO vs. CBD Oil: A Comparative Analysis

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) and CBD Oil both have their unique benefits and uses, but they also have key differences. Below is a comparative analysis of these two cannabis extracts:

RSO vs. CBD Oil: A Comparison


  • RSO:
    • Contains all cannabinoids, terpenes, and additional compounds found in the whole cannabis plant.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Primarily composed of CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. It might also contain trace amounts of other cannabinoids, including THC.


  • RSO:
    • Developed by Canadian engineer and cannabis advocate, Rick Simpson.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Produced by various manufacturers worldwide.


  • RSO:
    • Primarily a medicinal therapeutic for conditions like cancer and other chronic health issues.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Serves as a natural remedy for numerous health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It is not specifically formulated for cancer treatments.

Methods of Use

  • RSO:
    • Can be applied topically or taken orally.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Offers diverse application methods, including oral ingestion, topical application, or vaping, based on the product’s design.

Dosage Recommendations

  • RSO:
    • It’s advised to begin with a low dose and gradually escalate over several weeks.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Dosage recommendations fluctuate widely, depending on both the specific product and the individual’s unique requirements.

Availability & Cost

  • RSO:
    • Often pricey and is obtainable at licensed dispensaries in states endorsing adult-use cannabis or medical marijuana.
  • CBD Oil:
    • Typically more affordable and is broadly accessible online as well as in health food outlets.

As seen in the comparisons above, RSO and CBD oil are both useful extracts from the cannabis plant. However, their composition, cost, availability, and intended usage vary. Therefore, individuals should make a decision based on their medical needs and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

An Overview of How Rick Simpson Oil is Made

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is becoming increasingly popular among cannabis enthusiasts and those seeking alternative therapies. But what exactly is it? Well, RSO is an oil derived from the whole cannabis plant that contains all the beneficial compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes. 

Created by Canadian engineer and cannabis advocate Rick Simpson, this oil has gained attention for its potential benefits in treating various health conditions. In this article, we’ll dive into what RSO is all about and explore why everyone seems to be using it. Get ready to discover the wonders of Rick Simpson Oil!


RSO is made from the whole cannabis plant, including all cannabinoids, terpenes, and additional compounds. Its ingredients include:

  • Cannabis: The main ingredient of RSO, which contains various beneficial compounds.
  • Cannabinoids: These are the chemical compounds found in cannabis that interact with our bodies’ endocannabinoid system to provide therapeutic effects. RSO contains a high concentration of cannabinoids.
  • Terpenes: These are aromatic compounds found in cannabis that contribute to its flavor and potential health benefits. RSO retains the natural terpenes present in the cannabis plant.
  • Flavonoids: These are plant pigments found in the cannabis plant that have antioxidant properties and may offer additional health benefits.
  • Proteins: RSO retains the proteins naturally present in the cannabis plant, which may have nutritional value.


To make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), you will need the following equipment:

  1. Large stainless steel bowl or container for mixing ingredients
  2. Wooden spoon or spatula for stirring the mixture
  3. Funnel for transferring the finished oil into storage containers
  4. Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to strain out plant material
  5. Glass jars with airtight lids for storing the finished oil
  6. Double boiler or crock pot for heating and simmering the cannabis extract
  7. Thermometer to monitor temperature during the extraction process
  8. Heat – resistant gloves to protect your hands while handling hot materials
  9. Eye protection, such as safety goggles, when working with solvents like isopropyl alcohol or ethanol


To use Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), follow these directions:

  1. Start with a small dosage: Begin with half a grain of rice-sized amount of RSO every eight hours.
  2. Gradually increase the dosage: Over the course of several weeks, slowly increase the RSO dosage to one gram per day.
  3. Monitor your body’s response: Pay attention to how your body reacts to the RSO and adjust the dosage accordingly.
  4. Choose your preferred method: There are different ways to use RSO, including topical application and oral ingestion.
  5. Topical application: Apply RSO directly to the skin site and cover it with a bandage for localized relief.
  6. Oral ingestion: Place the recommended dosage of RSO under your tongue for sublingual absorption or mix it into food or drinks for edible consumption.


RSO Oil, derived from the cannabis plant, is gaining popularity for its potential therapeutic benefits. Created by Rick Simpson, RSO has shown promise in treating conditions like cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Users have reported relief from ailments such as chronic pain, insomnia, and nausea. Whether used topically or ingested orally, RSO offers a natural alternative for those seeking relief from various health issues.


1. What is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?

Rick Simpson Oil, also known as RSO, is a cannabis concentrate made from whole-plant extract involving an ethanol-based extraction method. 

2. Why do people use RSO?

People use RSO for various reasons; it can act as a sleep aid or be used for treating conditions like chronic pain, nausea, and epilepsy. Some even apply it as a bandage treatment for certain types of skin cancer.

3. Is making DIY Rick Simpson Oil safe? 

While you can make DIY Rick Simpson Oil using buds of CBD-rich cannabis or indica strains and a rice cooker to evaporate the solvent, keep in mind that handling flammable solvents carries risks if not handled properly.

4. Can I eat foods with RSO?

Yes! Decarboxylation during the production process makes THC and CBD present in the oil active – meaning they affect your CB1 receptors when ingested through means such as dabbing RSO or adding it to edibles.

5. How should I dose my RSO?

Cannabis dosing varies greatly among individuals due to body weight and tolerance levels hence following a dosing guide or consulting with licensed dispensaries like Rise Dispensaries or Stash Dispensaries may prove helpful.

6.Is there any specific strain used while extracting Cannabis into oil form i.e., the Rick Simpson’s way?

Generally Indica Strains are more preferred while undergoing decarboxylation but other strains rich in cannabinoids such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) & Cannabidiol (CBD), could also reap equivalent benefits when converted to oil.

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